Crystal beauty salon w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneCrystal beauty salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

585, Main Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-586-8021
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.726798, Longitude: -73.443643

komentarze 5

  • Luzestela Enriquez

    Luzestela Enriquez


    Me encanta, la muchachas q trabajan alli son exelentes.

  • en

    Nicky B


    I’ve been to this salon a couple of times was pleased the first time or two since opening a bakery her focus seems to be elsewhere, owners rarely there, closes whenever and cannot keep staff. They drop combs on the floor pick up and put back into your hair. As people are waking in owner does friends and family hair and leaves the salon with one hair dresser to figure it out. Would not recommend unless you have absolutely no choice.

  • en

    Ana Leo


    Always get my hair done here! Kathy is amazing! Always does my colors and they always look the way I want!

  • Mabel Disla

    Mabel Disla


    I highly recommend this Salon, please ask for Esther. She it's a great hair stylist. I have very long colored blonde hair, my hair it's very fine and naturally curly and let me tell you that every time I go to get my hair done, she does an amazing job and my hair looks healthy and shiny. She gives the best blow drys I have ever gotten done and when it comes to hair color, she does a beautiful job applying my color too. She has never damaged my hair since she uses olaplex and the best products for blonde colored hair. I keep coming back to Esther because she it's very professional , she takes great care of my hair and she goes the extra mile just to make sure I leave happy and my hair looks healthy and beautiful .

  • en

    Cameron Cassid


    Went there with a picture of balliage hair and after being assured she could do it she left me with my dark brown hair and a strip of yellow blonde from the ear down. Asked her to redo it and she did and did the same exact thing and then charged me 130 when she said 65 for dye. Went back to get my money back and was greeted with a nasty attitude when I asked her to dye my hair back to normal. Don't recommend.

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