Aire Blow Dry Bar w Huntington Station

Stany ZjednoczoneAire Blow Dry Bar



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160, Walt Whitman Road, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-223-7101
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Latitude: 40.8216949, Longitude: -73.4108406

komentarze 5

  • Love My Mutt

    Love My Mutt


    I really liked this place and got a great blow out. Prices are totally reasonable. Staff is friendly and there was no wait time

  • en

    Amanda Vargas


    I’ve been here a few times since I was given a gift card, but once that runs out I will never return. I was signed up for $65 masque, massage and blowout. The girls washing hair where talking poorly about a weekly client .. completely unprofessional. My stylist didn’t even know I was supposed to receive the masque. Once I told her she put the mask ,but I didn’t receive the 10 min massage. The blow-out was decent. There is no leadership in this place. It’s feels like a bunch of high school girls playing fancy hair dressers. It’s strange. You can get a better blowout in a more professional environment many other places.

  • en



    Took my daughter here to get her hair styled for a party today. Before getting here they called my wife and asked for us to change stylists. We accommodated their request with zero argument. I asked for a small accommodation. For someone to put mascara on my daughter’s eyelashes. I didn’t need a 45 minute make up treatment for my 12 year old. Simply to put on the mascara because I’m a dad and don’t know how to do it. My wife advised that it takes about 3 minutes. I was happy to pay and pay well for this three minute job. Nonetheless, as usual, there’s no manager who can think out of the box and I had to deal with a 20 year old who runs the show and refused to do it. Needless to say, after we accommodated their request and since ours was so minor, I’m upset and rightfully so. I won’t be coming back. This is what happens when you have kids running the show. After I wrote the above and gave one star, while I was still in the place, the person running the place went into the back, and the stylist, who was very nice, whispered to me that she would take care of it. Without this manager or whatever she was even noticing, the stylist put mascara and a very small and tasteful amount of eye shadow on my daughter. She did a great job and it took five minutes and not forty five minutes. It was all I and my daughter wanted and it didn’t impact anyone else’s appointment time at all despite this so called manager telling me that it would. Another stylist took five minutes to help out. I tipped the stylist $20 on the $40 job. Maybe the owners of the place ought to look at the “manager” running this place. I’ve been involved in business, retail and professional, my whole life and I can tell that this is not someone who understand me what customer service and keeping clients happy means nor what it is worth to a business. This is a kid who shouldn’t be running a place like this on her own.

  • Rachel Dugan

    Rachel Dugan


    If you have curly hair or frizzy hair do not go here. My blowout took forever over a hour and at the end result , I was very unhappy with my blow out. I always Blowdry my hair so I know a good blow out. It usually last me a few days if I need it. This blowout was the worse I ever got. My hair wasa puffy frizzy ball the min I walk out the door. I try to ask them for someone else and they was very abnoxious Very rude Manager , for the price they charge , save your money and go somewhere else. I blow dry my hair twice a week and they def lost my business. Rude , poor Costumer service. W Hi over price salon 👎🏻

  • Gloria Kaye

    Gloria Kaye


    Love Aire Blow Dry Bar! Always a great job, nice staff and the 10 pack for a blow out is wonderful!

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