Robert W Dapelo,Esq w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneRobert W Dapelo,Esq



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110, North Ocean Avenue, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 888-325-6199
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.76766, Longitude: -73.01505

komentarze 4




    After a short consultation regarding custody I left with high hopes, fast fwd over 6 months I was no further in my case than I was on day one. The office just wants your money. Also my case was always only worked on the 5-10 minuets right b4 going into the court room. I was actually told that it’s how it usually works. I don’t think that’s right, I’m fighting for custody of my kid and paying $750 a visit, that makes me feel like more should have been done for my case ! My dealing with the office seemed like I was bothering them and the attorneys when all I had was questions and answers. I guess my biggest issue was I just felt like they didn’t care!!! Sorry for the negative review but that’s how I was made to feel!!!

  • en

    Emil Pustelnik


    Very good

  • en

    Family Scrap&more


    Robert dapello is a amazing lawyer. He has helped my family when no other lawyer would. He has won case after case. This is a honest, confident lawyer. He is the type of lawyer Everyone should have. He will put your mind at ease, anytime you have a stressful law situation. He has always showed class. He is a scholar, a very smart man. I could say a lot of good things and go on and on. But seriously! He is a great lawyer! Amazing! I am a client for almost 10 years, used him for everything from small claims to criminal and family court.

  • King Dex

    King Dex


    Handled my girlfriends cases nonchalantly with bias options against their own (paying) clients. Poor action responding to the other parties attorneys, sometimes saying my girlfriend was in the wrong ( finger pointing ). I felt like I was in a room of 5 year olds and everyone needed a nap time. I'm sure Robert is a good guy but to allow the other man to fabricate a picture of lies and not be able to prove your client is innocent of events non life threatening is embarrassing to us. Now the children are at a certain age to make their own decisions And after the other parent has bit venom into their minds against their mother all efforts are lost of obaining regular visitation. I'm searching elsewhere for a attorney who can possibly clean up the mess made. The behavior of the parent does reflect on the children's behavior. Taught beliefs etc etc. thousands of dollars wasted with this law firm and a huge disappointment ... Near to nothing actually handled. They treated her without any respect at all.

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