E&R Tax and Business Services, Inc. w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneE&R Tax and Business Services, Inc.



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197, East Main Street, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-475-3322
strona internetowej: ertaxinc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7660984, Longitude: -73.0098132

komentarze 5

  • Sandra Rufolo

    Sandra Rufolo


    Extremely rude receptionist that answered the phone. Would never consider using, nor referring, these people.

  • Steven Elliott

    Steven Elliott


    Ralph and his team are incredible. They will keep you informed and ahead of any of your issues. I had a few years worth of taxes that needed a lot of troubleshooting in two different states and they navigated everything! I have been a client for 3 years and will continue to recommend everyone to come here.

  • en

    Randy Smith


    Have been using E&R for years and am a colleague of Ralph's. Best staff and service you will ever find. Highly recommend Randy

  • en

    Matthew Foster


    We have been using E&R Tax Services for filing our taxes since 2008. Their capable and friendly staff have competently advised us on issues of tax liability, even regarding some unusual financial situations. In between tax seasons, they have always been just a call or an email away from providing clarifying and reassuring information, for both immediate and long-term needs. Their reasonable fees are certainly worth all we receive. And we recommend them highly and confidently.

  • en

    Maria Mestas


    I've been working directly with E & R Tax Services for almost 20 years. I even stuck with them when I moved out of state because it was so hard to find any other company that had extensive knowledge of tax law, had great customer service and treated my return as an individual case. And thier prices were absolutely reasonable and worth it! All the team members seem to go above and beyond to assist their clients with whatever issues. I can't imagine going anywhere else. I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a great account to build a relationship with.

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