Probilt Transmissions en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosProbilt Transmissions



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2490, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-462-2300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6587145, Longitude: -73.9300413

comentarios 5

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    Saved me $300 on my BMW. Thank you ! Highly recommend

  • Cadillac Man

    Cadillac Man


    I have used Probilt on multiple occasions. The owner Dean’s knowledge, professionalism and friendliness is second to none. He is by far the best in the business. He is one of the most honest gentlemen you can come across. He has replaced and rebuilt transmissions on multiple cars and trucks for me and each and every time he does exactly what he says he will. He also does it in the time he says he will. Sometimes even sooner. He keeps me updated throughout and not once has the job cost anything different from the original quote. Sometimes it has even been less. If you have any transmission related problem I strongly recommend visiting Dean at Probilt.

  • Scott Rule

    Scott Rule


    Great service, very professional they rebuilt the transmission on my Ram 2500. Dean is awesome! "Highly recommend Probilt"

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    Don Flynn


    Wow, great place and people. Honesty is definitely their policy. Brought a car to them two different times with possible transmission problems. First time it ended up being just a stuck overdrive button on the shifter. The second time they checked everything out after there was an error code diagnosed by my mechanic and everything was fine. They could have easily charged me hundreds of dollars and told they had fixed something but they didn't. Like I said earlier, great and honest people!

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    zoe quinlan


    Awesome experience. Very Friendly and extremely helpful. Went to get a transmission fixed but had different issues could of overcharged me and didn't. People very honest I would recommend them to anyone!

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