Copart en Marlboro

Estados UnidosCopart



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25 Riverview Drive, Building 1, Marlboro, NY 12542, США
contactos teléfono: +1 845-236-3371
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6161777, Longitude: -73.9623696

comentarios 5

  • anthony gehman

    anthony gehman


    Friendly and experienced staff in the office. Slow slow slow loaders and a small lot to load in.

  • en

    Dawid Maciorowski


    Not sure what's up with the loaders here but every time u go there it's at least a 2 hour wait to get loaded. I usually only come for one car so it's not worth the wait unless you're loading a 10 car stinger. Office ladies are very efficient though

  • en

    Everest Inspections


    Horrible place bring your office work to wait online it's a mile long, the other new companies business will be based solely on customer service not this nonsense, the general manager should be 🔥.




    The worst I have ever experienced. 3 hour wait every time I go there

  • en

    Kathy Dudley


    Don't even think about going there if you aren't willing to bribe the loading guy. My Driver had 5 hours wait, and they ignore you if you aren't holding up bribe money. Don't buy there. Don't go there. They are rude and unprofessional. Copart's are iffy at best, but this in the most unbelievable. Never got loaded. Had to leave.

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