JR Automotive Tech en Newburgh

Estados UnidosJR Automotive Tech



🕗 horarios

5465, U.S. 9W, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-562-2604
sitio web: www.jrautomotivetech.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.5714357, Longitude: -73.9916958

comentarios 2

  • Christohper Perez

    Christohper Perez


    I went to a different mechanic first for some nasty rattling happening in my 2010 Subaru Forest. He wanted to inspect my engine, look over belts, pretty much take my car apart. When I asked questions about what it could be I got vague answers that made it seem as if my car was in bad shape and that the repair could be costly. The guy was short with me and I was getting an iffy feeling...so I left and was talked with a family friend about what happened. They ended up recommending me to JR Automotive Tech so I took my car to Ryan. He was straight forward and honest even told me that the problem was some heat shields that came loose underneath my car. Fixed it immediately and haven't heard the death rattling since. Hard to find someone I can trust and that wasn't going to take advantage of me. Thanks again guys.

  • MrMunsters1313



    Unbelievable service. Very knowledgeable and friendly. Would highly recommend them. It is very hard to find a good diesel mechanic and I finally found the place. Repeat customer. Came back for normal maintenance to my truck. Won't go anyplace else. Hard to find a honest repair shop that does great work. JR auto is that place for me. The picture of the shirt has the wrong number on it. The correct number is (845) 562-2604.

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