Johnny Rocco's Auto Repair en Newburgh

Estados UnidosJohnny Rocco's Auto Repair



🕗 horarios

5265, U.S. 9W, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-561-0260
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.550116, Longitude: -74.005963

comentarios 5

  • Carlin Felder

    Carlin Felder


    Thanks for all your help this week and last getting my SUV ready for our trip. And, thanks for installing the trailer hitch. You all are a pleasure to work with! It's nice to find a shop and team that provides quality service and doesn't cut corners. Definitely recommending you to our friends in Beacon. :-)

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    Christa Watson


    Wonderful experience! Everyone was super helpful and very efficient. I dont even live in the area and i would happily return to get work done

  • Mashuq Deen

    Mashuq Deen


    We were looking at a used car and brought it in to have it looked at. Deborah and Johnny talked to us afterwards about what he found, and was patient as I asked a lot of questions (this being our first used car, we were nervous). I then called back again to ask a follow up question, and the mechanic who talked to me (not Johnny) was really friendly and understanding. Overall, we had a great experience with these folks and recommend them highly. I never felt like they were trying to tell me what I wanted to hear, or that they were trying to sell me something I didn’t need. They’re good people.

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    Brett Baimel


    I would highly recommend this shop. My vehicle had been towed to a different mechanic where it sat for days without being repaired or even looked at. After finally receiving an exorbitant quote long after it was brought in, I took a chance and called Johnny Rocco's based on their good reviews. I was given a much more reasonable quote over the phone so I had my car towed here and the work was done the same day. Overall I was impressed by the speed and professionalism of the staff, and I would highly recommend to anyone who needs work done on their car in the Newburgh area.

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    M Dan


    Excellent diagnostic work of a challenging electrical problem on an older vehicle; kept labor costs very reasonable for this type of work. Johnny and Debra communicate very well with their customers; during the process Johnny called several times to update me on what they were finding. The overall repair price for parts and labor was good.

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