Safelite AutoGlass en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosSafelite AutoGlass



🕗 horarios

2535, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 877-664-8932
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.66222, Longitude: -73.930489

comentarios 5

  • Stephanie Camposeo

    Stephanie Camposeo


    Highly recommend!!!!!!!! Great staff, super organized & professional! Thank you!

  • en

    Nicole C.


    My technician Stephen ID:****-*07 was excellent beyond expectations. He was personable, reassuring, and answeard all my questions. I had many questions. He came on time with the courtesy call prior to arrival being much appreciated. The windshield he put on my car looks flawless. He cleaned the windows, inside of car, and even my backup camera (that was a great touch). The time he spent on my car seemed appropriate and I was updated when everything was complete. Due to Stephen’s superior customer service skills I would recommend safelite and more so recommend him by name. That technician is what makes your company stand out from the rest. Safelite hires the right people. If Stephen were one of my employees he would climb the ladder really quick into customer relations. Honestly the company is lucky to have him as a employee. Thank you for the great experience and service! I would highly recommend Poughkeepsie Safelite to anyone!!!

  • Steven Foerst

    Steven Foerst


    Excellent service. Much better and more professional than the glass company I used in Newburgh, NY.

  • Jefferson Lambert

    Jefferson Lambert


    I used Safelite twice in the last five years for cracked windshields and never had an issue. One time they came to my job and replaced the windshield there, and another time I dropped my vehicle off at their shop. Easy in, easy out.

  • Anthony DeStefano

    Anthony DeStefano


    Dealt with Mike at the front desk today. It was a complete pleasure. He was extremely professional and knowledgeable and let me know my windshield had been replaced by the previous owner which I did not know. I highly recommend coming to this location for all your windshield repair/replacement needs.

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