Princess 7 Nail & Spa i Waldwick

Forenede StaterPrincess 7 Nail & Spa



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40, Franklin Turnpike, 07463, Waldwick, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-444-8839
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Latitude: 41.0105695, Longitude: -74.1204623

kommentar 5

  • en

    Liz Rice


    Wonderful people!

  • en

    Elizabeth Telon


    Been going there 3years great job.

  • Elsa Curup

    Elsa Curup


    I like this place😍❤️💛💚💙💜

  • en

    Kim Vernak


    I used to be a big fan of this place until recently. The positive is that they usually take walk-ins right away, which is nice if you are in a rush. However, the last few times I've been there, I found the place to be very dirty and not sanitary at all, which concerned me. They also rushed through everything... I felt like I was part of a manufacturing line. Bottom line, I did not enjoy my manicure/pedicure at all (which is something I rarely do, so was looking forward to it).

  • Lauren Griffith

    Lauren Griffith


    The workers here stole my rayban sunglasses and when I asked if they would look for them said they were "too busy" even though there was a nearly empty salon. My mom stormed back in to look for them and they handed her a used pair that were not my sunglasses. Do not trust this place.

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