Nail 26 i Waldwick

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26, Franklin Turnpike, 07463, Waldwick, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-445-7737
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Latitude: 41.0093267, Longitude: -74.1198483

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dorothy Johnson


    New management...awesome at nail art

  • en

    donna mcmackindonna


    Excellent wonderful staff. Michelle is great.

  • John DeWitt

    John DeWitt


    Clean. Friendly staff. An appointment will get you in quicker. Parking in front can be difficult, use the lot in back and the rear entrance.

  • en



    First experience at a local salon coming from the city. Top notch treatment and overall great experience, I will be returning. Just for a regular mani pedi they provide scrub, hot stones, massage, wax under my heels to remove dry skin and of course the hot towel. During my mani they did the hand massage and while my nails began to dry she gave a shoulder massage. How lucky was I do have found my go to salon on my first try in this town! Highly recommend

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    Lisa Garvey


    Very nice and clean! Great manicures and pedicures. The owner and staff are delightful.

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