Massage Envy - Waldwick i Waldwick

Forenede StaterMassage Envy - Waldwick



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26, Franklin Turnpike, 07463, Waldwick, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-689-8400
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.009322, Longitude: -74.119759

kommentar 5

  • Marshall Feigenbaum

    Marshall Feigenbaum


    Great spot, great therapist's. Been a member for years and never regret it. Personnel has changed over the years and it might take a session here or there that aren't great but I've always found a new person that does a great job.

  • en

    Lewis Campanaro


    Therapist was very professional, listened to my issues and went to work on them. I've had massages at five star resorts, this one was equal to them.

  • Shamayah David

    Shamayah David


    As a male, this is the worst massage I've gotten in my lifetime!

  • Kristin Crowley

    Kristin Crowley


    Hands down best massage envy around. Staff is caring and knows your name. Service is top notch. I would not go anywhere else. Never had a bad therapist there but very partial to Jodi. She is great.

  • Brian Robinson

    Brian Robinson


    I love this place. I go regularly. Once you find a therapist that is right it is worth going back to the same person.

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