Ourisman Volkswagen of Bethesda w Bethesda

Stany ZjednoczoneOurisman Volkswagen of Bethesda



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7001, Arlington Road, 20814, Bethesda, Montgomery County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 301-750-6100
strona internetowej: www.volkswagenofbethesda.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.979732, Longitude: -77.098023

komentarze 5

  • mike hoffmann

    mike hoffmann


    Purchased my car here a few days ago. Overall great experience. My sales rep was Ariel Berenstein. He was very knowledgeable about the car and the transaction went smoothly.

  • en



    This dealer was able to accommodate my car payments, better than any other dealer in VA, MD, and DC!!!

  • en

    luheng W


    Important things to bear in mind: 1. they don't do price match in the MA/VA area for the exact same car. 2. don't tust the online chater. information they provide is out of date. 3. they promise things beyond their capability in order to get you instore.

  • Adrienne Chatman

    Adrienne Chatman


    My husband and I purchased our new vehicle from this location. What I loved about it most was the customer service. Every person we came into contact with was extremely warm, welcoming and happy to assist us. Our sales person, Sean Dadgar, was wonderful. Purchasing a car from him was truly a pleasurable experience. He was honest, took the time to ensure all of our needs were met, and made sure we got the best deal possible. He even stayed 45min past closing, on New Year’s Eve, to make sure we thoroughly understood all of the features. We would definitely buy a car from Sean again!

  • Lynnette Mathews

    Lynnette Mathews


    Absolutely one of the worst car buying experiences I’ve ever had. They are great at wasting your time. If you have time to waste and enjoy ineffective communication this is your dealership. I give myself a test drive, was sold a car that was not inspected by the salesman. Had to bring the car back 3 times within less then 1 week of purchasing. They just cannot get it right the first time around. Please go to a dealership that take pride in their service, word, relationship and follow through. Too busy getting people in to sell that they don’t take the time to make sure the experience is great seamless and a good one for the customer. Definitely will be reporting my experience to the BBB.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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