Audi Bethesda w Chevy Chase

Stany ZjednoczoneAudi Bethesda



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7106, Woodmont Avenue, 20815, Chevy Chase, Montgomery County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 240-762-5700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9797733, Longitude: -77.0926091

komentarze 5

  • en

    shiva emrani


    I came to Audi Bethesda in search of a new lease on an Audi A4. I was greeted and helped by Ian Schemer, who was extremely helpful and professional. He assisted me in my first leasing experience, and made sure everything was perfect! I'm very happy with my new car, and will definitely be coming back to Ian for my next car. Thanks!

  • Stuart Smith

    Stuart Smith


    I've leased 2 vehicles with Jacob Jay at Audi Bethesda, and he has made it easy each time. He's always available and know the cars inside and out. He'll make sure you get the best deal available, no need to haggle!

  • en

    Siron Ariel


    Big Shout Out to Tonny Wambugu my service advisor at Audi Bethesda Service Center. He's knowledgeable, professional and his customer service is excellent. I also want to give two Big Thumbs Up to the service technicians and the parts department for their excellent work.

  • Roxy Romero

    Roxy Romero


    We always order parts from this main location and they have phenomenal customer service when it comes to ordering parts. They keep you updated with something is in back order or won't make it on time. Ask for Angel he does an amazing job at getting you the parts you need! Keep up the great work guys!

  • en

    gabrielle koeppel


    John Wagner is an excellent representative for Audi. I enjoyed working with him and really appreciate all the time he spent finding me the car with the package that I wanted. It was not easy but John made it happen in a very short period of time. He is the best car salesman I have ever dealt with and I will definitely be a repeat customer. I highly recommend John and Audi Bethesda.

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