Euro Motorcars Bethesda w Bethesda

Stany ZjednoczoneEuro Motorcars Bethesda



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7020, Arlington Road, 20814, Bethesda, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-986-8800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.980227, Longitude: -77.099456

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sarah Benyamin


    I went car shopping at Euro Motorcars in Bethesda to look for a new vehicle. I was greeted by Danny Nasr, who made me feel comfortable at the showroom and he showed me around and guided me through the available cars there. I must say that this was my best car shopping experience ever. Danny was very informative and he was answering every question of mine patiently and professionally. This was a very smooth process from beginning to end. His approach is quite relaxed and there was no pressure from him at all. He was also very lenient with my schedule and made the whole process of applying for a loan and other paperwork work in my favor and I couldn’t have asked for much more in that. I cannot say enough about Danny; he is a man of honor and integrity. He did everything he could to assist in the purchase of my new vehicle and to make sure all expectations were met. He also made follow up phone calls to assure complete satisfaction. If you are looking to buy a vehicle in the near future, pay a visit to Euro Motorcars of Bethesda and ask for Danny Nasr- you won’t regret it!

  • en

    Ty Caldwell


    Update 05/18 The service manager called and made everything right. I know he may have a lot going on. But he did make feel better about the situation. Thank you. In 2014, I purchased my car from here. It had 6 miles on it. Since I have drove it approximately 21,500. I called to schedule the B service. I was quoted almost $900, when all the other dealerships offered it for around $600. And the worst part no one could really tell me what that entails. Finally after 4 calls I reach a service person, and decided to call another dealership and set an appointment. This dealership has definitely lost a customer for life. I don't know if it's a change in management or staff, but this is not the same quality of customer service I have received in my previous visits. Update 5/16 Call Euromotor cars because it was a recall, the service counter guy told me to wait for my letter. I said I didn’t have a letter, I saw that my car was recalled online. He said I would have to wait. “Sir I don’t need an airbag going off in my face”. He still hung up and said you have to wait. Terrible customer service. Update 5/17 Like the last time service manager called to apologize. I have an appointment setup to fix my car. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong. To be fair. The service manager has been in contact to rectify this situation.

  • X Carbon X

    X Carbon X


    Excellent customer service! Bought a AMG C43 from them. Great prices. Great staff. Very fair trade in value. Best dealership I have been to in the last 10 years.

  • en

    Taylor Carlson


    "Great experience with Eric Scott from start to finish! " Eric went above and beyond to not only make sure I was happy and comfortable from start to finish, but he also made sure the car was what I wanted and made sure it had all of the safety features I was looking for. I can't say enough great things about Eric and the dealership. Everyone was very friendly and helped me learn about my new car! It was truly an amazing experience and I am excited to be a part of the Benz Family! If you are in the market for a new car I highly recommend Euro Motorcars Bethesda and to go see Eric because he #makesthebestbetter!

  • Kevin Bernal

    Kevin Bernal


    By far it’s been the best experience I’ve ever had at a dealership! Would highly recommend Eric and Euro Motorcars as the perfect combination between honesty, dedication, support and professionalism through the entire process! Eric’s knowledge, professionalism, dedication and commitment to customer service is rarely found in any business, for this reason, I would recommend you to trust him without a doubt! Will definitely come back and will definitely work with Eric!

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