Orion Xpress Automotive Services i Elmont

Forenede StaterOrion Xpress Automotive Services



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95, Meacham Avenue, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-354-9511
internet side: orionxpress.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7057413, Longitude: -73.6901855

kommentar 5

  • en

    Susanne Phillip


    Orion Xpress provided reliable, honest service. Not only would I use this service again, I would recommend to a friend/s.

  • en

    Patrick L


    Dennis at Orion Express was EXTREMELY helpful and professional. He was able to provide the full service history dating back to 2002.Typically this type of repair history report isn’t something you can get with just a phone call. I would highly recommend Dennis at Orion for your service needs.

  • Brandon Sweetman

    Brandon Sweetman


    Clean shop, great service. Dennis is a really nice guy and he really took his time to look over my vehicle. Great prices and very customer friendly. No need to worry about a mechanic scam as he and this shop will give you an exact read out of your vehicles problems with pictures. Glad I found a reliable and trustworthy mechanic

  • en

    C Wessel


    Excellent service. Always easy to deal with. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Carol Pari


    I've known Dennis for ovet 20 years. He is the most dependable, knowledgeable. and honest mechanic around.

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