AutoZone i Elmont

Forenede StaterAutoZone



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1244, Hempstead Turnpike, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-437-6995
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7088966, Longitude: -73.6862194

kommentar 5

  • Hovhannes Petrosyan

    Hovhannes Petrosyan


    Have a lot of parts but they're overpriced and only one or two of the people working there are actually nice the rest are look at you like you offended their whole ancestry when you ask them for help and get annoyed when you ask for more than one part.

  • en

    Allen Cardwell


    I'm mixed about this store. The counter person could have stopped chatting and rung me up, but was I impatient? AutoZone may prefer to have staff find out the type of project their customers are doing, but it did seem an unnecessary wait for me.

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    Dea-Rey Caliguri


    Great place to shop first thing in the morning....girl was awesome help to find what I needed.

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    Teresa Lopez


    Had exactly what I needed at the price I was expecting. Location was clean inside and out. Associates appearance and professional manners spot on. They quickly looked up requested part and retrieved it quickly. Was in and out in no time.

  • en

    H D


    Parts sales manager KEVIN JEAN was awesome. I had battery issue and he resolved it in few mins. He was very busy, but still managed everything like a pro. Very professional and polite. 5 stars for him. If u have any issue, i highly recommended him. GOD bless u man.

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