Installer Car Auto Sound i Elmont

Forenede StaterInstaller Car Auto Sound



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1276, Hempstead Turnpike, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-437-4074
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7086512, Longitude: -73.6873607

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lana Ramsay


  • Angela Delvecchio

    Angela Delvecchio


    Servicio pésimo, no recibí lo que pedí y reclamé y compré de nuevo. Defensas de 450.00 pagué 755.00.

  • Steve Demorcy

    Steve Demorcy


  • Ahmad Cheema

    Ahmad Cheema


  • Nick Decosta

    Nick Decosta


    Visited the store to get a tint on my Mercedes CLS. I have to say they did a great job. I went to other stores to see the price on the tints who were claiming to have a reasonable price on tints, but after googling most were using cheap quality tint paper, especially a lot of the businesses in Queens. I'm just glad I came here to tint my car. Its the first time I ever did any customization to my cars so its a good thing I dealt with honest people who knew what they were talking about and (using good paper). I suggest if you are getting a tint at this store, just call them up to set an appointment, and know what percentage you want. If the owners even read this, just want to say thank you, my car looks great.

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