M&T Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneM&T Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2664, Atlantic Avenue, 11207, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-922-4228
strona internetowej: locations.mtb.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6755317, Longitude: -73.8960088

komentarze 5

  • en

    Salem Nagi


    I had the Worst bank experince ever at this branch. I was served by a spanish lady she seem in the mid-40s , she spoke with a spanish accent. Back in Oct 2017 I had to travel and needed quick $5000 cash. I went to this location and ask for the money, they asked me about 10 questions. I told them I need to go see my family and need the money, they made me do an ATM transaction to verifiy my account, I did that. I showed her my Id and even login to my bank account using her computer, if that was not enough she said I need to speak with the manager. After the manager told her ok, I signed the slip and guess what, she said the signature is little different than what’s on file altough it was the same. I asked her if they do that to every customer and she said “ there are lots of bad people out there” suggesting that I’m stealing my own money. I was very patient that day because I needed to travel and see my sick daughter, so I let them abuse me and took almost a half hour to hand me my money. This is was very unprofessional encounter, I had to close my account when I returned to the U.S, I also had to convince members of my family to close their accounts.

  • Rayan sun

    Rayan sun


    Don't use M&T service sucks

  • en

    pedro checo


    Best bank

  • Will lopez

    Will lopez


    they dont explaing to the costumers about the banks fees you get surprise when you get your montly stament....then they said they cant help you

  • Alonzo Smith

    Alonzo Smith


    Good bank

najbliższy Bank

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