MasterCuts Barbershop w Port Chester

Stany ZjednoczoneMasterCuts Barbershop



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219, Westchester Avenue, 10573, Port Chester, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-939-1040
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.002714, Longitude: -73.667239

komentarze 5

  • Martin Brock

    Martin Brock


    Fantastic place. Very friendly people. They take so much extra care with my haicut -- at several different and natural points during the cut, they stop and look back over it to touch up any tiny points that may need it. Honestly caring and details naturally matter to them. And with all that, the prices are so cheap. My haircutter is Antonio -- superb, full of energy, sincerely stops and looks over me 3-4 times to check for details, and see if anything needs a touch up ! I can't believe it, frankly. ❤❤❤

  • Spencer Smith

    Spencer Smith


    Chris took considerable time with me, and was great at explaining what he was going to do next. He was friendly and knowledgeable. I felt he just wanted you to walk out knowing he gave you the best haircut he possibly could. Mission accomplished - thank you. I will be back.

  • max rodriguez

    max rodriguez


    Real good atmosphere and official cuts, check my boy Chris out and u won’t be disappointed, he’s cool people and probably the best barber out here in Port Chester .

  • en

    Brian Butler


    Every time I'm in the shop I get the freshest cut and the magic that they do on my beard is unreal. I recommend this place 100%

  • JoE Rodriguez

    JoE Rodriguez


    Nothing masterful about these haircuts. I'm sure there are some decent barbers in there.. Just not the one I got. When I opened my eyes after he was done... it was like an 8 Year old could of done better...When it came to my hair line he did his own thing.. never asked what I wanted... He brought the clippers so high on one side of my hair was uneven... It was so bad I had to go to another barber shop to get it fixed. When it was all done, he try to give me some lame excuse . As to why the cut came out the way it did. I even gave him a tip.. Because how do you tell a man knowing he's been doing this for years and can't even give a decent cut. Never going there again.. you shouldn't either.

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