Children's Classy Cuts w Greenwich

Stany ZjednoczoneChildren's Classy Cuts



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251, Mill Street, 06830, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-532-9288
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.003202, Longitude: -73.656049

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jesus Lopez


    This place is awesome they're so great with the kids very clean and fun atmosphere! Price is great specially for the service you get and Parking is no problem their is a free parking lot just across the street including some spots infront perhaps the last commenter did not notice it .... my kids and wife love it thanks guys!!

  • Alyda Villa

    Alyda Villa


    This place is amazing great staff super passionate talented

  • Elizabeth Yates

    Elizabeth Yates


    Fun! Fun! Fun! We can't wait to go back!!!

  • Erin Coren

    Erin Coren


    My son has been getting his hair cut since he was 6 months old (he's 2 1/2 now), and it's always been an awful experience full of fear. We started going to Classy Cuts and it was a game changer! They're so patient and knew all the tricks to make it a great experience for him. He didn't cry once, and didn't want to leave when it was over. HIGHLY recommend!!

  • Teresa LoCascio

    Teresa LoCascio


    A big five stars for the women at Children's Classy Cuts. My toddler is terrified of getting his hair cut and throws a fit the moment he gets in the chair. The women at Classy Cuts were so kind to him, doing their best to distract and comfort him with bubbles, characters, and lollipops. Every other children's hair cutter I have taken him to huffed and puffed and rolled their eyes when they were trying to cut his hair. Their kindness and patience is much appreciated and I will be going back to them for my son's next cut.

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