Hottblowdry Rye w Rye Brook

Stany ZjednoczoneHottblowdry Rye



🕗 godziny otwarcia

12, Rye Ridge Plaza, 10573, Rye Brook, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-425-5900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0030293, Longitude: -73.6844508

komentarze 5

  • Stacey Lense

    Stacey Lense


    Had a great blow dry! Great service and loved the products they used.

  • en

    Fábio Marconi


    The WORST haircut I have ever had.....not a fancy guy...just looking for a different place and try something new...HUGE mistake..the person was a total disaster to my hair...I have "hair pits" all over my head....had to make my hair really short trying to hide the damage....the owner said..."I am time I'll give you another person.." there is no next time lady...and had to pay 50 bucks.....

  • Melanie Torres

    Melanie Torres


    I went in for a blowout after the blizzard and it was the best thing ever. Brittany was amazing and styled my hair exactly as I wanted it. Everyone was super nice and polite and the location is great. Can't wait for my next visit!

  • Alexandra Zanzano

    Alexandra Zanzano


    I started going here when I moved to the area and I have had nothing but good interactions with all the girls who work there. The place is really cute and they do great blowouts that last for days. I normally book with Vivianna and I am always getting compliments on my hair after I leave!

  • elizabeth gadi

    elizabeth gadi


    Consistent, timely service and totally professional salon. All the stylists are excellent. Beautiful atmosphere and quick, efficient styling without compromising quality.

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