Love Nails w Fishkill

Stany ZjednoczoneLove Nails


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982, Main Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-896-4384
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5300097, Longitude: -73.9058655

komentarze 5

  • en

    Coleen Hollywood


    Very clean, great service. Have been a customer for years.

  • en

    Lauren Hoffman


    Employees are rude and tried to tell me my nail was broken because they didn’t want to fix their mistake. They rolled their eyes when I told them that they were wrong and I wanted it to be fixed. I will never go back here.

  • Diana Parker

    Diana Parker


    Awful!! Their is one girl I did like who I used to get a lot randomly when I went there. She wasnt exactly pleasant but she did very good work. The place does very good business. The owner was nice but is very nasty Now. Guess money got to her head. So they started getting sloppy with their work and rudly turning repeat customers away. NOT cool. I will take my nails someplace else.

  • en

    Makenzie Warf


    I used to go here almost weekly before I had my son and love it! The owner is so sweet! I still go just less often. My grandmother gets a gel manicure every 2 weeks there and is religious about it. It is a little pricy but for the service it's great 💕

  • en

    Tee Inn


    I recently moved back to the area and had read the reviews for this place and thought I would give it a try. Big mistake, it ended up being a horrible experience! I came in for a pedicure and the person who worked on me spoke almost no English, thereby making it almost impossible to communicate what I wanted. The entire time she appeared rushed and indifferent. That, while disappointing, I could have overlooked. However, what I could not overlook was the apparent lack of attention and the overall appearance of her workspace. My number one criteria when getting a pedicure, or manicure for that matter, is that the workspace be well-kept and sanitary because the last thing I would want is to pick up something due to negligence in addressing basic hygiene. Needless to say, I don't plan on returning.

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