Fishkill Melody Nails w Fishkill

Stany ZjednoczoneFishkill Melody Nails



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1004, Main Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-897-4562
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5320565, Longitude: -73.9054357

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lauren Sullivan


    Wonderful spa pedicure and gelle tip fill gelle maincure! Not a fancy salon but great staff. Ask for Lilly!

  • en

    Louise Barbaro


    Always a relaxing, pleasurable, happy place to be! Lee, Rosa, and ladies are top notch and professional! Going for many years from Danbury CT! Worth the trip!

  • en



    This place is so awful :( do yourself a favor and stay far away! The few women who work there were so rude and unfriendly. I was on a serious time crunch and not from the area; so I looked on google and it seemed that the rating was ok. I don’t know what those people could be thinking! The woman wrapped my fingers in foil and nail polish remover from an old Tostitos salsa jar. That should have been my first cue to leave. Then she proceeded to leave me there and go do a pedicure for a walk in. (I had made an appointment btw) Finally after 10 minutes or so I had to remove all the ridiculous foil myself because my fingers tips were actually hurting. She finally came back and took FOREVER to do a sloppy gel manicure. After almost an hour I told her I absolutely had to go and so she finished up and I ran out as quickly as I could. Terrible experience and very out of date questionable appliances, tools and decor.

  • Barbara Toledo-Buglione

    Barbara Toledo-Buglione


    Lee and Rosa treat you as part of their family. They not only do great job on spoiling you, but while your nails are drying they give you a 3-5 minute neck and shoulder massage free. Very clean and friendly and they know you by name

  • Alyson Burns

    Alyson Burns


    Called ahead and asked if they did pink/white French to be sure, they said yes but it became very clear they did not have proper knowledge or skill in this area Fill/pedi took 4.5 hours, Instead of doing a fill she HAND filed all of my previous UV gel off the nail, I had to ask her if they even owned an electric file! THEN the pink she used didn't match my color, and she put it on like nail polish so it was very thin it looked terrible. I thought she was building layers but then she started to paint a sheer white onto it- I finally told her that I need it much thicker in order to make it strong. The owner had to come and finish and she globbed it on so thick the edges actually went off the nail and onto the skin. She also opted to hand file so the end product was bumpy and she cut me while vigorously filing down. The white they used cracked the same day and it looks like spiderwebs along the sides. On top of it all there were flies everywhere landing on us during the process and at the end they tried to charge me 10 more for some reason. Do not go here. I should have gone to love nails but I was trying to save money and I got less than what i paid for.

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