Lemon Tree, Franchise Corporate Office w Jericho

Stany ZjednoczoneLemon Tree, Franchise Corporate Office



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400, Jericho Turnpike, 11753, Jericho, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 800-345-9156
strona internetowej: lemontreefranchise.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7941148, Longitude: -73.5373004

komentarze 4

  • Amy Coplen

    Amy Coplen


  • Connie c

    Connie c


    I find it interesting that "the owner" responds to the negatives on reviews to show the public he is good, rightous, and accomodating. UNTRUE. This man should not only own a business of a beauty salon, because his customer skills are inferor , he should be in a position behind the scenes somewhere whereas he is hidden without customer contact . His rough around the edges ,unpolished demeanor is odd for a service such as owning a beauty salon. Obviously and from what I encountered, it is FOR THE MONEY ONLY without any consideration for customer. Molly the hairdresser is good. I was very satisfied with her work. My bill was to be $55. The owner micro manages and hears and sees everything and pops out of the woodwork when it comes time to talk about MONEY. Bottom line: I had root color and 5 foil highlights. I was being charged $20 extra for a blow out, to dry my hair. I have hair that dries in 5 min, thin , very short. I was told by the hairdresser blowout according to their "menu" is extra. I said this is my first time at this location. Did not think you would let me leave with wet hair after paying a significant price for a service. Owner said: "This is dix hills. Its what I could charge. Look at the menu , its extra. If you go down the road any salon would charge you $200 for same service, its dix hills" UNTRUE. all untrue. A wonderful professional salon, high end includes a blowout in all their services and this service would have cost me LESS!! In lieu of doing what would be a good faith customer response , he argued, insisted, and didnt compromise saying first time accomodation we will split the cost of the blowout (that took 3-5 min) I offered to pay half for my misunderstand. .When I gave him coupons he said his store doesnt honor them. I said I am walking out paying a few dollars short of $100 for a LEMON TREE ? Again he said you are in Dix Hills and other salons are more as they give coffee, bagels. Absurb responses. They are not more. Lemon Tree prides itself on quantity of customers because its an illusion to be a low cost studio. I checked OTHER Lemon Trees,. All agreed with me as a new customer gesture and confusion in thinking blowout would be included , they would have provided me with that. I understand a $15 haircut the blowout would be extra but the cost of Lemon Tree Blowouts are still high. Very bad taste with this property. Hope Molly goes somewhere else, she is good.

  • en

    Susan Matthews


    went to rego park wrote to corp office but no response- used a groupon - had 3 pm last sat- lucy started late as she was finishing another customer- she washed y hair fast and put in conditioner- then left me like an hour to cutand blow dry another customer- why wasthere another hairdresser there with no customer i mean the place is empty = and she lets me sit more than an hour- and i har her whiny loud voice tell past stories of how she became manager of this dump= its dingy and old inside- then she cuts my hair - short layered cut- i tell her not too short on bangs- and yo cut sideburns which are alitler thick and grey- she tells me to color them- less experienced stylists know to cut and blend so they dont show- she refused -then starts to blowdry- her cell phone rings shes so unprofessional and answered and talks loudly above the noise of the dryer- right in my ear- 3 x she has 3 calls - cell in one hand blowdryer in other yapping so loud in a whiny horrible voice- i left a complaint on lemon tree corp office and sent pic to groupon of the grey uneven sideburns she left- this was an irritating lousy haircut not worth $20

  • Deb Long Island

    Deb Long Island


    Went to Medford, NY location, after going there for 6 mos., they were slightly trimming my hair after a chop job from SuperCuts in Medford. My hair was growing in nicely. Went to Lemon Tree again in Jan. 2015. Got my roots done, I have blonde colored hair, it took her 3 hours! The woman was stressing so badly, she was freaking out the whole time over the hair color, trying to get it right. Finally, the color came out very nice, but.....afterwards, I asked for a trim, and she cut at least 4 inches off the top of my hair and layered it! It looks like a "feathered" hairstyle from the 80's! That was 3 mos. ago, it's finally growing in, I'm due for a trim, and definitely a 'blend'. But, I will NEVER have that woman cut my hair! I like LemonTree a lot bc the women there are so cool, but not THIS one. I don't want to mention her name, bc I'm not looking to ruin her career, like she RUINED my hair!!!!!!!!!! (btw, I tipped her $15, so the whole thing came out to $87....... Ugh!)

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