Plaza Barber w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczonePlaza Barber



🕗 godziny otwarcia

887 Mid Island Shopng Plaza, Hicksville, NY 11801, США
kontakt telefon: +1 516-938-7680
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7735666, Longitude: -73.5316445

komentarze 5

  • en

    DMITRY's Ties


    Have been going here for years! The price is great, the crew is extra nice, the overall experience is VERY good. I used to get my haircut in the city, for three times more, and it wasn't even as good as I get it done here!

  • Vasiliy Nikolaevich

    Vasiliy Nikolaevich


    Been going here for over 20 years!

  • mago3331



    Has been there for a long time. Good barbers

  • Kusum Narang

    Kusum Narang


    Great experience with friendly barbers who know how to do their job

  • Matthew Horowitz

    Matthew Horowitz


    This place is a neighborhood gem! I have been going to this barber shop for 31 years and can't see myself ever changing that. I've moved around a lot over the years and have tried many other barber shops that are closer to home and never get as good of a haircut as I do here. I live in White Plains (Westchester) now and still go out of my way to visit this barber shop. You CANNOT beat the price, service, friendliness, and QUALITY of the haircuts you get at this barber shop. Don't go to your local barber shop just because it's convenient, this place it worth the trip. It is a true barber shop, no beauticians here that are trained to cut women's hair, these are real barbers. You can also get a straight blade shave here which is such a treat and hard to find these days. It will be the closest shave you ever had!!! They still have the old school hot towels here that are such a nice touch to finish a haircut or shave. If you want to get your hair cut by a real barber and consistently get the best haircut you ever had then look no further than Plaza Barbers, you won't be disappointed.

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