Michael's Barber Shop w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczoneMichael's Barber Shop



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412, South Oyster Bay Road, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-605-2007
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7807486, Longitude: -73.5041892

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tony Gotts


    Wow I Am Impressed With The place. Nice location, very clean place. Expert attention giving to each and every customer. To make sure you are satisfied

  • en

    Raymond Menendez


    Wish mark was still here he was the best hair cut specialist ive ever come across, Such finess and takes great care of each customer. The place is still good though.

  • en

    Mark Paulen


    it really depends on who cuts your hair here; i have been here several times and i have had two different people cut my hair. it was amazing the first couple times i've gotten my hair cut from my main barber. But, when i went today i tried a new barber and he was absolutely horrible; i specifically asked for a long top with extra volume with a medium fade for the sides, I GOT A THIN AND SHORT TOP and my sides weren't faded at all, it was just one length (bare skin short). :(

  • Jeppy AMV

    Jeppy AMV


    Been going here for a year now. Great atmosphere and the guys are friendly and welcoming. I always get my hair cut from Mark, great guy and very thorough with his work.

  • Daniel



    Love this joint. There's a pool table in the back so you can play while you wait. Who else has that? The guys are funny and love to joke around. Roman and Wilson are great barbers. There also great with my boys that are 7 and 5. Great atmosphere . Not like the place across the street next to the Raimo pizza.

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