La Petite Dent Pediatric Dentistry w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneLa Petite Dent Pediatric Dentistry



🕗 godziny otwarcia

25, Smith Street, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-624-0011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.095417, Longitude: -73.999675

komentarze 5

  • keegan dowling

    keegan dowling


    Could not have been happier with our experience here. From the moment we checked in, and took a tour of the office, we were treated as if we were the only patients there. The staff could not have been friendlier, and Dr. Bracy was absolutely amazing. Who would think that we would be excited to go back to the dentist?!

  • en

    Maryn Brosnan


    Everyone was so warm and welcoming. My 3 year old daughter was made to feel so special during her first dental appointment and can’t wait to go back! The office is so kid friendly with toys in the waiting area, TVs in each room, a prize wheel, etc. We are so happy we chose la petite dent!

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    Clarissa Koh


    A magical pediatric dental practice with caring doctors and staff. Dr. Bracy has a wonderful way with children, and my 23 month old, who hates having her teeth brushed or checked, was a lamb in her hands. The office is more a kid’s playroom than a medical facility, with a welcoming and beautifully decorated waiting space with toys and games. I wish they took adult patients!

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    Marissa Burgay


    Such a great pediatric dentist. They make it more of an experience than just going to the dentist! it’s fun, warm and is a welcoming environment. Everyone that works there is so helpful and pleasant!

  • Jacqueline Ferraro

    Jacqueline Ferraro


    Took my two year daughter for her first visit to the dentist. La Petite Dent hit it out of the park! She was given a full tour of the office, clear directions on what would be covered and it was tailored to be kid friendly throughout. (Amanda was amazing and is so natural with kids). In addition, the office is spotless and the whole staff were simply lovely. I HIGHLY recommend this practice as I was thrilled with how our visit went....LOVED IT!

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