Martin E. Schwartz | DDS w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneMartin E. Schwartz | DDS



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2, Peach Street, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-735-1353
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.078524, Longitude: -73.989521

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sheila Wray


    I would highly recommend Dr. Martin Schwartz and his helpful and courteous staff. He has been our family dentist for many years. We wouldn't go anywhere else. He's The Best! Respectfully, Dave Wray

  • Gary Lehman

    Gary Lehman


    Each visit to Dr Schwartz and team is a success and positive patient experience. We are warmly greeted upon arrival and the various services are all so professionally provided and with warmth, concern,empathy and total consideration for patient unique situations. Kids, teens, young adults, busy professionals, trade people, seniors- everybody is SOMEBODY special here at Dr Schwartz's office. The whole team working together gets 1,0000% thumbs up from this patient!

  • Dr. Lyle Becourtney

    Dr. Lyle Becourtney


    My wife and I can't say enough positive things about Dr. Schwartz and his staff. Not only is Dr. Schwartz thorough in his examinations, but he is about as friendly and gentle a person as you will ever meet. When we go to his office, we are always greeted in a very friendly manner by the entire staff and we rarely ever have to wait to be seen. It really is a great feeling to have a dentist who we not only trust and have total confidence in, but one who is always kind and pleasant. I highly recommend Dr. Schwartz, a wonderful dentist who is truly deserving of a 5-star rating!

  • en

    Jeanine Salvato


    I've been going to Dr. Schwartz for many years. I've sent many friends to him as well. I'm always happy with his work and for me, it's so important that he's a kind person, and he is. He works with me when it comes to cost and I have a beautiful smile, so that says a lot.

  • en

    Allison Carballo


    Dr. Schwartz has been my dentist for more years than either of us would like to admit! I have been coming to him since my first tooth, and now plan to bring my own children here. There isn't another dentist I would ever go to! I highly recommend him and all of his staff.

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