Implant Center of Rockland: Marvin Stuart R DDS w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneImplant Center of Rockland: Marvin Stuart R DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

121, West Nyack Road, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-623-7470
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0966788, Longitude: -74.0010919

komentarze 2

  • en

    Sandra Reyes


    This office should actually get a -5 Stars!! Yes I totally agree with the first two reviews. The receptionist and office manager are unprofessional and rude. The staff is decent and I assume the Owner/Doctor of this practice is not aware of the receptionist or office manager(which I think is the ex-wife of the Doctor) rude and unprofessional behavior. For a Decent Dentist I rather go elsewhere than put up with this terrible practice! Obvioulsy the person that posted the positive review is someone in some way connected to the office. Cause trust me after a few years of going there not once I was taken early and God forbid if you cancel or were late. They will charge you at Least $100!!

  • Joon B Yoo

    Joon B Yoo


    Rude with poor communication skills. I went in for routine check ups and they told me that my insurance didn't cover and I had to pay $345 out of pocket. The women who scheduled my appointment flat out lied to my face and told me that she had told me to check with the insurance company during scheduling with nasty tone of voice. Truth is, she Never said that. After paying $345, I submitted the claim to my insurance company and only got $181 because that is what the dental group would normally get paid by the insurance. I called the insurance company and found out that my plan was covered 100% all along. It was a miscommunication between the dental group and the insurance. Called the dental group but they kept giving me the runaround. One of the staffs was very rude and told me to stop calling. It has been more than 50 days and this issue is yet to be resolved.

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