La Loba Cantina en New York

Estados UnidosLa Loba Cantina



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709, Church Avenue, 11218, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-295-1141
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6456081, Longitude: -73.9727611

comentarios 5

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    Kimberly Pineda


    Decent happy hour, good service . Food was good and spicy. I just wish they had more food options available.

  • Deirdre Chadwick

    Deirdre Chadwick


    Great food and ambiance. I don't normally comment on service as that can be subjective, but the bartender tonight bordered on hostile. Still, we had an excellent meal and the drinks are worth going back for. I had the El Viejo, a mezcal-based old fashioned, which was a bit sweet but entirely delicious. When my friend asked what beer was on tap the bartender said "Read the menu" (the menu said "ask your server"). There's more I could complain about, but suffice to say, don't let the possibility of inhospitable service deter you from this charming, authentic-feeling cantina with excellent homemade food and a pleasant (really) DIY vibe.

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    Carlie Meadows


    My fiancé and I were visiting family up in Brooklyn and decided to stop in for some good authentic food as we had been reminiscing on our trip to Mexico last summer. We were not disappointed. The food was amazing and the service was outstanding. Our bartender, Jewls, was witty, attentive and quick to answer any questions we had. I would highly recommend stopping by for some good food or to just sit at the bar for some great drinks and service

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    Jesse Quinn


    Great place and atmosphere for a Wednesday night. We tried the pork tacos and guacamole was amazing. The bartender was awesome. She suggested a drink called Lady Xoc Swizzle and let us try the the Sotol that goes in the drink. Definitely recommend going for good food and the best drinks.

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    Ryan Sauchelli


    I'm from California, where Mexican food is pretty ubiquitous. I thought I knew what Mexican food was, but I was wrong. The food, the atmosphere, the service, and the mescal make La Loba a place to remember. The mescal is delicious - smooth and comforting. La Loba has a kind of neighborhood vibe that makes you instantly feel comfortable and welcome when walking inside. It's a special place.

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