Wheated en New York

Estados UnidosWheated



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905, Church Avenue, 11218, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-240-2813
sitio web: www.wheatedbrooklyn.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6466826, Longitude: -73.970529

comentarios 5

  • Shalia Stockstill

    Shalia Stockstill


    First time visiting. No greeting, eye contact or menus until 5 minutes passed sitting at the bar top... Open but not welcoming. Didn't bother to stay, no one cared to speak to us at any point. I'm speaking to you to warn anyone who looks for these kinds of reviews. I'm sure the pies are lovely should you be granted the privilege to order one!

  • David Kaplan

    David Kaplan


    It’s two exceptional places in one: easily Oke of the best cocktail bars AND one of he best pizza places anywhere! The extensive and sharply varied whiskey collection is a brilliant surprise! Friendly staff makes this unassuming restaurant so additionally special!

  • Jonathan Firestone

    Jonathan Firestone


    I love Wheated. Start off with that Brussels sprout salad - it's a lot of parmesan, but my word, is it delicious! The Vinegar hill may be the standout pizza for me - it's so rare to find a truly unique pizza! The more normal pizzas are a great platform for the various spicy condiments they have. And grab yourself a whiskey cocktail while you're here - they know what they're doing.

  • John Tao

    John Tao


    I stumbled in here on a weekday and I’m glad I found this place. It was super bus The name of this restaurant sounds like a great way to call it after you had too many pizzas here. Yeah man, I got so wheated last night... with pizzas. Personally I think you can’t go wrong with any choice on the menu, so go crazy! Also just advice, come early or be prepared to wait.

  • Steve LeVine

    Steve LeVine


    I’ll make this simple- if you want possibly the best pizza you will have in your life, then you will come here. You’ll have your pick of some very creative individual pies with a sublime sourdough crust cooked to perfection. Besides great craft cocktails, you will have a mind-blowing selection of hand-selected Scotch and Bourbons from around the world. Here’s a Pro Tip- for dessert they have brownie sundaes, chocolate almond cake and the world-famous Chocolate Layer Cake all from Chocolate Room (Park Slope, Cobble Hill).

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