Am Thai Bistro en New York

Estados UnidosAm Thai Bistro



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1003, Church Avenue, 11218, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-287-8888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.646825, Longitude: -73.970082

comentarios 5

  • en

    Krystal Feldsherov


    Complete lack of organization in the establishment. I ordered at 8:31 and it is now 9:45. I called to ask where my food was and the RUDE asf woman on the phone told me IT’S ONLY BEEN AN HOUR XD our foood is here now and the drunken noodles suck. this place is the worst. 5 dollar delivery fee too 😂 and there’s ONE shrimp in the shrimp fried rice. LOLOL




    Was a good place at one time. Food was ok waitress not up to par with previous visits. $5.00 EXTRA FOR FRIED RICE INSTEAD OF STICKY RICE! REALLY? I might give it another shot hopefully it was just a bad visit.

  • Moreno Black

    Moreno Black


    Just became one of my favorite thai food restaurants. Food is delicious and inexpensive. The place is small but they do take reservations.

  • oded haker

    oded haker


    Nice small fusion food. A mix if Indian and Thai cuisine. Tue service was good and also the food. The portion of the dishes is very generous and it's well priced so the place is not too expensive. Definitely recommended to visit if you're in the area

  • John Tao

    John Tao


    What a popular Thai spot, there were people waiting outside at 6pm on a Thursday night! So you know the food is good here. Now no matter how hard I try I always end up ordering either pad Thai or drunken noodles. I just can't help but regret when I see someone slurping those delicious rice noodles. The pad Thai here was perfect and just the right amount of wetness (pad Thai lovers know what I mean). Now the drunken noodles are another level, if you like to spice things up then this is the dish for you. There's no alcohol in it despite the name. But a tip for people bringing home leftovers, thai food doesn't smell so great after a spin in the microwave, probably due to the fish sauce.

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