L & L Camera Exchange i Huntington

Forenede StaterL & L Camera Exchange



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267, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-421-5535
internet side: www.lnlcamera.com
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Latitude: 40.8736454, Longitude: -73.4255245

kommentar 5

  • Peter Kraft

    Peter Kraft


    Lenny the owner is literally the most rude human being I’ve ever dealt with. I called them for my boss and asked just for a repair estimate on a camera. He then proceeded to scream at me “IVE BEEN BACK AND FORTH WITH YOUR BOSS, I DIDNT FIX IT, AND IM NOT GOING TO, NOW PICK UP THE DAMN CAMERA.” He then hung up on my before I can even think what to say back to him. A simple “I’m very sorry but we can’t give repair estimates” would’ve sufficed. What a joke. I can’t believe this guy owned anything. I would give it 0 stars if I could.

  • en

    Liz Lowry


    Great shop in the village. Sad to see any negative reviews here. Don't believe it! Sounds like a disgruntled employee, or troll. They are always happy to help with a smile!

  • joan boccafola

    joan boccafola


    My first negative experience of L & L Camera was 7 years ago after my mom died and I wanted to make copies of family photos to give to the family. Most photos were b & w. They overcharged and their work was not good. Now today I thought let me give them another chance. Simple job to print out a photo from zip drive. One photo - $4.30 and it came out yellowish. I got better quality at Rite Aid machine for $.99. I don't know how this place stays in business. Stay away.

  • chris santiago

    chris santiago


    Great Experience. I had my Christmas cards made there and Maria had great ideas in helping me create them. Thank you so much, can't wait to send them to my family and friends! 😀

  • en

    Michael Bovee


    Great Store. Small Mom and Pop shop, very Family Orientated. Great Service. They had great ideas and helped me putting my pictures in order and creating my collage.

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