KIDZHITZ i Huntington

Forenede StaterKIDZHITZ



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304, Main Street, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-470-9788
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8708725, Longitude: -73.4279953

kommentar 5

  • Jill Seiman

    Jill Seiman


    My sons have been taking piano and drum lessons at KidzHitz for years. The owner, Patrizia, adores children and is so warm and friendly. Mr. Cliff is a kind and patient instructor. I can’t wait to host one of their new Rock Star Karaoke Parties. Great space and kid-friendly environment. A true community gem.

  • Amy Elias

    Amy Elias


    As a teacher, in my opinion this place totally rocks! Kidzhitz is a place where each child can fulfill and align to their inner rockstar. Where self esteem leads the way!

  • Eleonora G

    Eleonora G


    This is a wonderful place for kids to learn music and make first records. Very unique experience.

  • en

    Morgan D'Argenio


    I was welcomed into the Kidzhitz family 5 years ago, and it has been nothing BUT a pleasure. The staff is excellent, the students are continuously inspired by teachers to pursue their musical endeavors in a FUN, engaging environment. There are countless amounts of opportunities for the students to be heard and perform, in various community events, festivals, as well as our recording studio. As soon as you walk into Kidzhitz, you can truly feel the warm, welcoming atmosphere from the staff, as well as Patrizia the owner/manager. It is ALL ABOUT THE STUDENTS at Kidzhitz and we want them to succeed, always. Kidzhitz is unlike any other music studio, because each lesson is completely individualized and catered towards the students' interests, ambitions and goals. They'll learn the fundamentals of music, while having fun every step of the way!

  • en

    GA F


    My kids love this place. We've been talking them there for a few years now. They threw a party there for them a few weeks ago and my husband and and I were thrilled. Plus the owner is a sweetheart and very professional. Its also been completely renovated so it's nice to know by kids are in a clean and comfortable environment. Highly recommend.

nærmeste Elektronik butik

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