AT&T Store i Huntington

Forenede StaterAT&T Store



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389, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-271-3077
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8693833, Longitude: -73.4263555

kommentar 5

  • en

    Space Monkey


    Great experience at this AT&T and would definitely recommend to friends and family.

  • en

    Edward Appleggate


    Employee used CC# to Steal an IPAD. If there were a way to have 10 negative Stars I would fill them in, I had to put a Star otherwise this would not POST DO Not use this Store At this store my wife buy's an IPhone charger on 7/31/2017 with the Help of an Employee named Mike. . The Next Day while we were driving he asks up about an IPAD promotion and we say no thanks. Mike unknown to us uses my wife's CC and Stole an IPAD, The store claimed they took care of it and did not The employee and Store Manager were fired New Management has provided Lip Service. we are still paying for an IPAD that we did not sign for. Every Month we are being Charged for this SO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE or you may end up experiencing the same Fate. There are more respectable locations in the area I will Continue to Post this regularly until Justice is served and Remunerations are paid.

  • en

    Kris Slomin


    Location under new ownership, they seem to genuinely care to help customers.

  • Joshua Castro

    Joshua Castro


    Under new management- staff is great

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    Jason Guzman


    Good service here, I called up and spoke to a friendly knowledgeable rep, that's counts allot! Even before i go in to a place I called if it don't feel right don't go!

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