Jamaica Dental P.C. w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneJamaica Dental P.C.



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90-33, 160th Street, 11432, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-657-0800
strona internetowej: www.jamaicadentalspecialties.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.704324, Longitude: -73.7992817

komentarze 5

  • en

    shabana Ayaz


    Amazing place i love bringing my kids here. I recommend this place to everyone, has everytype of dentist you need. Literally!!

  • en

    Laiba Farhan


    Best experience, the place was clean...kid friendly, and Dr.Lin the orthodontist is so sweet and explains everything thoroughly.

  • Michaela Baucicot

    Michaela Baucicot


    Beside the long wait... I love the fact that has soon as I got to the back I was taken cared of immediately... Charles and Laurie was so nice to me, they explain exactly what was going to happen and they told I will be out of there less then 5 mins and I was so amazed. I could not believe it. I wish I knew the oral surgeon name but he was great, I got my tooth pull out when I was younger and it was a scary situation, but this time I was so shock how fast they pull my tooth out. I am thankful. Yes you may have to wait hours but I promise you soon as you get to the back.. you will be in and out. THANKS CHARLES AND LAURIE AND ALSO THE TWO FRONT DESK LADIES .. they were very nice with keeping me up to date every time I went to put money in the meter ...Definitely recommended this place!!!

  • amanda pascual

    amanda pascual


    If I could give this place 0 stars I would. The place is like a meat market! Patients are shuffled in and out. Over an hour wait to have teeth pulled. My sister went, they didn't numb her enough so when she woke from having 4 teeth pulled she was hysterical in pain and so was everyone else who walked out of the 0ffice. When my procedure was finished the doctor rudely dismissed my mother before my sister even woke up. They treat the patients terribly and completely dramatized my sister, who was already terrified of the dentist. She, nor will anyone that we know, EVER go there for anything. HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!

  • en

    casey blakeney


    I do not normally do reviews , but after reading the few below i felt like i had to. First off the receptionists are VERY polite. The office is a very busy place, cut them slack. I was seen by the oral surgeon who was very friendly and honest about his work, which I appreciate. I also brought my 3yr old son to see the children's dentist , she was very gentle and did a very thorough check up. My wife, son and I had multiple pleasant visits and experiences with this place and I recommend this place to everyone that asks. I hope this helps!

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