TCN Dental Care PC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTCN Dental Care PC



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16110, Jamaica Avenue, 11432, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-523-8400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7038063, Longitude: -73.7977895

komentarze 5

  • Chante Perkins

    Chante Perkins


    The Dental office is clean n has the all up to date dental equipment,knowledge and friendly staff. They do it all from routine cleanings,extraction,root canals,braces,caps,etc. From soup to nuts in one office. There knowledgeable about all insurances. They work with you financially to help you pay for bridge's n all other dental procedures that are not paid for through your insurance. I would n have recommended TCN DENTAL. My mother is one of there clients and my mother is petrified 🤣🤣of the Dentist and they work with her to ease her fears. I give TCN DENTAL 5 STARS ⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥.

  • en

    Tony Almorales


    I've had bad experiences in the past with a dentist that made me a bit apprehensive at first. I must say though that for anyone who is afraid, or anxious of seeing a dentist . Leave your worries at the door. Dr Shalomov, is the best. He is a true professional and makes you feel like he genuinely cares, because he does. The whole staff is awesome. God bless you all. There isnt enough space to thank you enough. Thank you.

  • en

    Yuriy Davydov


    Great service and friendly staff. Dr. Shalomov is excellent. He did some major work and I am very pleased with the outcome. Highly recommended!!

  • en

    Gabriela Rios


    Very good service very hygienic, do not make you wait a long time and the staff is very friendly excellent service Thank you.

  • en

    Andrea Gordon


    The staff of TCN Dental from the Dentist, the Office Manager, the Dental Assistant and the Receptionist are all professional, supportive, cooperative and always to find a solution to any challenges a patient may face. Thank you team for the warmth, love and appreciation shown on all my visits.

najbliższy Dentysta

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