Shah Sejal U. DDS w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneShah Sejal U. DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

8820, 169th Street, 11432, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-739-6961
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7096648, Longitude: -73.7925485

komentarze 5

  • Krisna NYC

    Krisna NYC


    Best dental office i have been to in my life! Very, clean and the staff is always friendly and helpful with my insurance problems! They are kid friendly also !!

  • en

    Arohi Arona


    Don’t go there . They will make you wait 2 hours from your Apointment . Very unprofessional and tiny place. If you want to get professional and don’t want to waste your time . Please don’t go there .

  • en

    e calvi


    Very professional and caring I am very happy with my teeth and would recommend that you try for yourself

  • en

    Jyoti Gupta


    If I can give no stars I would, the most unprofessional office, as well as medical advisor!!! They make you wait three hours to prescribe you medicine and provide no treatment regardless of the fact that my mom who's the patient is in severe pain. Disgusting! Seems like Dr. Ravi has forgotten her duty as a medical professional!!!

  • Renju Mathew

    Renju Mathew


    Do not go to them. I'm not sure if the equipment was dirty but I went for a simple cleaning of my teeth. The dentist was so rough at some periods in the cleaning I felt like she was digging way to much in my gums. ( I had cleanings many times before while I lived in NJ never felt this much pain before).Two days later my whole mouth became swollen and I was unable to eat or hardly talk. So I call them to see if they can give me any advise and the receptionist says that they don't have another appointment until 4 days from now. I asked if the dentist can give me any advice over the phone or maybe give me antibiotics. They said no but I have to get an appointment or go to an emergency room. All they care about is making money.

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