Hots Custom Sound and Security w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneHots Custom Sound and Security



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480, Smith Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-629-5904
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7567135, Longitude: -73.4072471

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kelly Dean


    I would never take my car anywhere else. The owner, Jerrod, has been working on my car for over 10 years, and always gives accurate and reasonable prices, his work is always perfect, and his customer service is the best. I have had him do tints, stereo systems, gps's, backup cameras, and even TV's in my car, and have never been happier with the work done. He goes out of his way to ensure his customers are happy! I highly recommend stopping by and seeing what he can do for you.

  • en

    Miguel Lopez


    Been dealing with this company for years and always had the best service. They did my remote start, stereo system and tints. I will recommend them to everyone.

  • en

    Jay Arr


    have used this company for 4 remote starts, 1 radio installation and a navtool.. to turn GPS screen to DVD player for your ride.. smooth installation.. very knowledgeable.. and pricing is great..! good company!!

  • kevin james

    kevin james


    Owner very knowledgeable and has a great personality. Location is easy to find, customer showroom is comfortable and kid friendly. Product line is extensive. Will install your parts if you choose to purchase online. Have had all my car stereo, electronic diagnostic, lights and remote start work done by Hot Rod for the past 8yrs. Will continue to hire and recommend him as a qualified technician.

  • en

    Katilyn Piccolo


    I have used hots customs for every car I've owned since 2000. He has put strobes in my headlights, a system in all 5 of my cars, under carriage lights, remote starts in all mine and my family cars , tints, and so much more. Their prices are great. He is respectful and will always honor his work if ever a problem arises. I highly recommend

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