Fusion Auto Finance w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneFusion Auto Finance



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215, Daniel Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 866-870-8015
strona internetowej: www.fusionautofinance.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7484457, Longitude: -73.4258285

komentarze 5

  • en

    Edward Wamsley


    From the time you walk In to the time you leave everyone was very friendly and helpful. You hear horror stories about turning in a lease vehicle and about having to pay for unexpected costs, but that wasn't the case hear at Fusion. The whole process only lasted about 30 minutes. The experience I had at Fusion would definitely make me consider leasing another vehicle Thank you

  • en

    Barbara Glaittli


    I didn't know what to expect when I turned in my lease vehicle directly to Fusion. What I found was a very professional, courteous inspector named Dan, who made the return experience a pleasant one. In fact all personnel we came in contact with were very friendly. Overall, a very nice experience.

  • Ammar Ahmed

    Ammar Ahmed


    Those that are leaving negative reviews, in my opinion, did something wrong. Late 2014 I decided to get a new car. I’m a sucker for Jeeps so I headed my local dealer to see what they had to offer. At the dealership I was offered a great monthly payment on a brand new Wrangler. 3 years later and I get a call from Fusion Auto Finance saying they own my Jeep and they list off my options as the lease is coming to an end. I contacted the dealer who informed me that Fusion is in fact the owner and has been since the moment I drove off the lot. With this new information I contacted Fusion about an extension as I wanted to wait until February to get a new vehicle. They kept my same monthly payment for the 3 months I waited. Last month I finally turned my Jeep into the Fusion return center, paid my disposition fee and was out the door.

  • en

    Present Nair


    Unlike seemingly a lot of the reviewers, my experience with Fusion was very pain free. 2 months before my lease was going to be up they called me and explained their return process, purchase options, and all the fees associated with both. I decided against purchase, because I have an itch for a new car, and instead I just scheduled a date to bring the car to their return center. Upon arriving they got my car inspected and a receipt in my hand within 30 minutes. If you’re a fusion customer dreading the end of your lease, just follow all their instructions like I did and everything should be fine.

  • Davey Silvers

    Davey Silvers


    This is my first time leasing through Fusion and I don’t see what the big deal is. I’ve been leasing for almost 30 years and there is always wear & tear plus a disposition fee. The difference is that when you’re leasing through the manufacturer they will usually discount those fees and roll them into your next lease. Upon getting my pre-inspection from Fusion they informed me of almost $200 in wear and a $400 disposition fee I remember from when I first leased the vehicle. Here’s the kicker though, when I returned my vehicle my final bill was only for the disposition fee, because Fusion determined that the damage found by the inspection company was negligible and not billable. So sure I had to pay $400, but my 36 month lease was actually saving me $24 a month over the manufacturer lease. I will be leasing through Fusion again assuming they can give me that lower monthly payment.

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