RPM Raceway w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneRPM Raceway



🕗 godziny otwarcia

40, Daniel Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-752-7223
strona internetowej: www.rpmraceway.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7464535, Longitude: -73.4256307

komentarze 5

  • Princess C.

    Princess C.


    Great place. Race was super quick, (snacks are available) not sure if I will be back to this location. It's far from Brooklyn (just to do 16 laps for 30 dollars per person for a game ) laps by very fast. Recommends 2games and or more

  • Jeffrey Whaley

    Jeffrey Whaley


    Worst karting i’ve been in my life. 30$ for the the shortest race i’ve been in. They control your karts to go slower, ask for driver license but they dont even let you drive the thing. Don’t recommend this karting place to anyone

  • en

    leonardo rivadeneira


    Had and awesome time and theres a lot of games there which you could play to kill time till its you're time to race.

  • Oscar Esteves

    Oscar Esteves


    Good experience overall. I came for the need for speed and was pleasantly surprised with the facility. It was very clean, had plenty of space and the races were very organized. The karts were very fast and my needs were met. The minimum age is six, with a minimum height requirement of 48 inches. While there they were a couple of crashes, the staff definitely seem to know what they were doing, they were quick to handle all the situations and were very safety oriented. I only have two major complaints. First, the lack of baby changing stations on the bathrooms. Do they expect no one will bring their family? Secondly, the lack of social skills of some of the staff members. The staff was ice cold, I attempted to ask questions on multiple times, I was blatantly ignored. To the staff of the pit: get some social skills and smile.

  • msk97x



    My family and I went for my birthday. Brandon, Neil and especially Chris did an awesome job helping us. Chris did a great job going over everything. We’ll come back soon. Hopefully by then they make the track bigger next time. 😄

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