Harvest of Tucson w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneHarvest of Tucson



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2734, East Grant Road, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-314-9420
strona internetowej: www.harvestofaz.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.250121, Longitude: -110.931266

komentarze 5

  • en

    Samuel Venhuizen


    Great ftp deals and they always have great meds. Staff are very friendly and very helpful. Will be back.

  • en

    Dalty Glove


    Great time always have an easy to look at selection and a lot of edibles on display I go here for my higher quality but and edibles when I'm just buying a good treat and not a lot

  • Matthew Potter

    Matthew Potter


    I like the setup, design, quality, etc. Location leaves a little too be desired, but at least the parking lot is well lit. I would like to see some flower deals that give me options. Snap sales are nice and a good deal, but doesn't help with variety.

  • en

    Randy Ranck


    Most the staff, especially the door greeter, are always very friendly and helpful if you have any questions. The space is very nice and I like the display set up. The product is very nice looking also. Thanks for opening so close to me and getting your daily specials in order :)

  • en

    William Lambdin


    Will never go here again! I was here for grand opening. The assistant told me about some shatter buy one get one free. I take my completed order form to a cash register. It clearly said 1 gram of one strain and 1-2 gram of another I never got my free gram and I told her three times I was to get 1 gram of one strain and 1/2 gram of another. I got three 1/2 grams. Place looks nice but a rip off $22 per half gram. I’m going back to bloom $30 a gram plus taxes and the bud tenders know what they’re doing!

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