Sunset Shutters LLC w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneSunset Shutters LLC


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Tucson, AZ 85716, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 520-401-4601
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2479302, Longitude: -110.9208593

komentarze 1

  • en

    Nick Henkels


    I am writing this letter in hopes to not only get assistance in resolving this matter but also to insure these companies are unable to commit their fraud, theft and deceit against anyone else ever again. This matter began in June 2017 in which Sunset Shutters aka Jose Alvaro Ramirez the company’s owner was referred to me to provide drapery automation in my family’s home in Paradise Valley, AZ. On June 17th Al Ramirez of Sunset Shutters set up an appointment to come to the home and take measurements for the areas that we were looking to have the drapery automation installed. We met at the property around 2:30pm on June 17th, 2017, discussed the areas we were wanting the automation installed, he took measurements & made notes in order to provide pricing. After the initial meeting with Al Ramirez, I followed up numerous times to find out where he was at with the bid for the automation and the drapery in which I heard back from Al on June 22nd, 2017 in which he met me at my office to go over and discuss the bid in detail. Immediately when reviewing the bid, which his first bid on 6/22/17 came in at $42,078.96, which he was missing multiple areas of drapes on the bid and also was far higher than our other bid from another company we had already had. So I told him that we would not be interested in moving forward with this pricing, that we already had another separate bid that was much lower. He immediately started reducing his bid and asking what the max we were willing to pay was for the drapery and automation. I entertained the conversation because we were really eager to get the drapery finished & the other company was extremely busy at the time. A few days later he revised the bid and reduced the price to $27k, which we signed a contract and gave the deposit. The contract stated a guaranteed completion date of July 21st, 2017 among other very specific details to insure we had an agreed understanding of what was to take place. After a month later already past the guaranteed completion date i find out from Al that he is now asking for additional deposit prior to the manufacturer coming out to take final measurements, which reluctantly we issue an additional $8500 deposit to him. Then 4 days later I get a new proposal from him for $11k higher than the contract price, immediately we refused & requested our money back. After much frustration & demanding him to honor the pricing or issue the deposit back he agreed to the original contract pricing and gave us a new guaranteed completion date of 8/18/17 which he stated was confirmed with the manufacturer. Continued following up with no responses for weeks at a time and it has now passed the 18th as well and I have now been told that installation will begin the week of Sept. 4th, 2017. The 4th came & went and heard nothing nor was anything being installed. Then I was told they would be to the house on the 7th to start installing the automation and motors, which once again the 7th came and went and no one showed up to install anything. Al Ramirez continued trying to place the blame on the factory, although it was obvious to me he was just as much the problem if not the entire problem. I continue to get the run around and Al keeps telling me he is trying to get the factory to issue a written guarantee of when the installation will occur, but now its 9/11/17 and Al is telling me that the factory is now telling him the order will not be ready to install until at least mid October. I simply told him I am done with the lies and deceit and am not interested in doing business with someone of your character and that we wanted our $13,500 deposit refunded immediately. Interesting that when asking for our deposit back he didn't have the money to pay it either nor can he perform on his contract with us. Oct. 6th and no drapes or deposit returned & now being told the soonest they could install them would be 1st quarter, 2018. COMPLETE CROOK

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