Precision Outdoor Power w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczonePrecision Outdoor Power



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2610, East Grant Road, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-327-6386
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.249896, Longitude: -110.9323152

komentarze 5

  • S L

    S L


    Crooks You can't charge $300 to repair something that needs $49 in Parts. Your Customers have Amazon. Good Luck Don't waste your time on these Crooks

  • en

    Scott Drenske


    Called and asked if they could figure out why my 2 stroke engine was flooding out and he laughed when I told him was it was in and told me he doesn't work on my 2 stroke engines and then referred me to another company cuz he doesnt work on my 2 stroke engine. Doesn't make much sence cuz a stroke is a 2 stroke. Then hung up on me. Guess the review was right about these guys. Salective work.

  • D L

    D L


    I had issues with big box stores and some of the others local companies, prior to know Precision. They always help me with repairs in a timely manner.If you are willing to pay a little bit extra for good service and quality of work this is your place. Highly recommended!!!!!

  • en

    Ken Proksa


    I've had my chain saw sharpened and serviced at Precision for a number of years. Staff are always very knowledgeable, helpful and often service it on the spot. Prices are very fair. I highly recommend them!

  • en

    Ruth Lindsey


    I've been in the tree business for 7 years and in my experience, this is the best outdoor power company in Tucson. I've been shopping there since at least 2015. They are extremely helpful and answer any questions I have about how to care for the tools I purchase. I love how I've seen them holding the doors open for elderly customers and helping them to their cars with their purchases. It's heartwarming! The owner, John, is a very kind and giving family man with a huge heart. He has shown great generosity to the community. I have always found them to be very professional people. Highly recommended!

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