Dulce Delights i Glen Cove

Forenede StaterDulce Delights



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90, Forest Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-399-2323
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Latitude: 40.8726411, Longitude: -73.6226098

kommentar 5

  • Sydney Collings

    Sydney Collings


    I love frozen yogurt, and have been to more froyo shops then I could ever count. Unfortunately, froyo is expensive and toppings are usually out of question if I want to keep my dessert under 15 dollars at normal frozen yogurt places. This place, however, is amazing! The staff is friendly and aren't snobs about offering samples. There are more toppings then you could ever hope to eat (including my absolute favorite popping boba) and the yogurt is great, too. A lot of variety. Price is amazing, too. On wensdays they let you have all you can fill yogurt and toppings for a flat rate of 6 bucks. Love it.

  • en

    Brandon Morgan


    Highly recommended if you are into cereal + icecreams combo! Love the fruity pebbles !!

  • en

    rayne payne


    My girls fell in love with this place and Rhonda is amazing. Too many toppings and flavors. Wednesday all you can mix is awesome.

  • Eduardo Flores

    Eduardo Flores


    Me gusto muchisisisimo y a mi esposa es su lugar favorito y a Gabriel como un lugar para compartir

  • Ashley Zangara

    Ashley Zangara


    I was so excited when a new frozen yogurt place opened in Glen Cove. They always have great flavors to choose from and the most amazing toppings. Don't forget to ask for a sample cup to test the flavors before making your final choice. This is the perfect place to go to when your craving something sweet and cold. You're in control of your own portion which is always nice, but can definitely be dangerous!

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