Basil Leaf i Locust Valley

Forenede StaterBasil Leaf



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7, Birch Hill Road, 11560, Locust Valley, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-676-6252
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Latitude: 40.8741158, Longitude: -73.596793

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joseph Minicozzi


    Great place, excellent food. Very friendly and excellent service.

  • Christopher John

    Christopher John


    This my father's friend from decades ago. Regardless of that - if you want a great meal - this is the place. Baked clams are some of the best I've ever had. Service was great. Bartender was funny. And my meal was out of this world.

  • Harry schwartz

    Harry schwartz


    Very pleasing food. Pizza was good but maybe not their specialty. Pappardelle pasta was full of sausage. Lovely salads. Nice ambiance and good service. Plan to dine!

  • en

    Nancy Mucciardi


    I have been coming here for YEARS and have never been disappointed. Wonderful food and service.

  • David Neubert

    David Neubert


    Great food. Very attentive staff. Always a pleasure.

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