Cactus Cafe i Glen Cove

Forenede StaterCactus Cafe



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214, Glen Cove Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-609-2623
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Latitude: 40.8481133, Longitude: -73.6352013

kommentar 5

  • peter podsiadlo

    peter podsiadlo


    love this place! visit at least once a week! 5$ burritos after 10pm are the best!! smoked pork burrito! loaded nachos and the potato cheddar jalepeno soup are amazing

  • Robert LeBlanc

    Robert LeBlanc


    Friendly staff. Good was decent, but not as good as other Tex Mex takeouts that have tastier good at lower prices.

  • en

    Lindsy Grahm


    I told myself I wasn't going to get delivery anymore after delivery guy was incredibly rude and stank of pot, so fun to have that talk with my young children. Food was also room temperature when it finally got there. Last time I was in the store, the same guy, young guy, gave me a scowl and a lot of attitude when I asked him politely to move out of the way so I can grab a drink. Sorry I took up 5 seconds of your time buddy. I love the food but their service seems to be lacking now since they don't seem to care who they hire and how customers are treated.

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    Cathy Perez


    Had the chicken tacos and they were amazing. Great portion size for the price. Cute little dining area.

  • Brian Baer

    Brian Baer


    This is the best Mexican around. Everything is made in-house. It's not uncommon to wait a while after placing an order whether it's to stay or to go, but it's worth it. They offer delivery also. The lunch special is great and comes with a burrito, salad, and snapple or soda. The nachos are excellent, the burritos are on point and there is a wide variety: brisket, shrimp, salmon, chicken, beef, etc. I kid you not when I say the beef is so good.. I don't know what they marinate it in but it's tender, juicy and delicious. They also offer ribs, a variety of Mexican beers, sangria, and the same burrito items in soft taco form (every month on the night of the full moon you can get 3 tacos for 3 dollars!) and they are open every night till midnight - all burritos from 10pm to midnight are only 5 bucks!!!! 👍🥙🌮

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