DDA Tuned w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneDDA Tuned



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79, Pierces Road, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-359-3600
strona internetowej: www.ddatuned.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.51094, Longitude: -74.0378106

komentarze 5

  • berto Evo x

    berto Evo x


    Best shop in tri state area,Fast on installs, best tuner on the tri-state, car runs strong& perfect in everyway. You can go there for your engine builds and everything else. They work on GTRs,Subaru,Mitsubishi!!! The best thing is that they have a mustang dyno.

  • jack Demler

    jack Demler


    been going to DDA for 3 years now. Every single time I'm taken care of by a team of true enthusiasts as well as professionals. No one on the east coast knows Subies/Mitsu's like these guys. After taking my car in for a repair and realizing it would have to stay, the owner drove me 45 minutes round trip to bring me to the train station. I promise you once you bring your car to these guys, you'll never trust it anywhere else again.

  • en

    Christian Couto


    I’ve brought my Mitsubishi to multiple shops and not one compares to DDA. These guys are perfectionists that go above and beyond for their customers. I’ve had my car built and tuned by them and it’s been running strong with 0 issues for about 8 months now. Between the great work, great pricing, great customer service and expert advice; I’d say you’re foolish to go elsewhere. Keep up the good work guys!!

  • en



    absolute criminals, i gave them many chances to redeem themselves and at every point they scammed me for my money. avoid this place by all means, seriously. the good reviews are done by employees and the owner is a jerk. i bought my Subaru in and they completely ruined it, they do nothing for customer satisfaction. my entire car is worthless and i have had to spend thousands of dollars to fix it. their shop is in the ghetto of newburgh. do not even get your car dynod here because they will do everything they can to scam you for your money. do not go here! ever!

  • en

    Richard Concorso


    If you need work done to your Subaru, Brandon is your guy very helpful and knowledgeable. I had my engine swapped upgraded and put it on the dyno what an amazing job

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