Ardsley Tire Connection & Auto Repair en Ardsley

Estados UnidosArdsley Tire Connection & Auto Repair



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700, Saw Mill River Road, 10502, Ardsley, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-693-7771
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0127582, Longitude: -73.8475238

comentarios 5

  • en

    Stanley Bieber


    Excellent service. I have been coming here for years, and I am very satisfied.

  • Dustin Horvath

    Dustin Horvath


    Nick is a good guy and will take care of you. I've been going to him for over a year since moving to Dobbs. This place serves as an example of how Auto body/mechanic shops should be run.

  • Larry Culleton

    Larry Culleton


    Family run business 50 yrs.. cheap prices excellent service... U won't be disappointed or ripped off...

  • Kenny Herman

    Kenny Herman


    Echo'ing the other reviews, the husband and wife couldn't be nicer. Honest, fair, trustworthy, and quick. I rarely leave reviews online - but felt compelled given how well they treat my wife and I. Thank you.

  • Roy Mathew

    Roy Mathew


    Great experience, Nick and his family are very attentive, fair, and will only do the work that they feel needs to be done. I never felt taken advantage of. He is a straight shooter though and is very much to the point. However, he's always explained everything that I had doubts about. A great local repair shop. He will squeeze you in if he can, but they're always busy. I would recommend calling ahead and scheduling if you can.

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